So I made my deadline. My second childrens picture-book is out of my hands, and in the publishing-process. We are awaiting the return of the proof before final sign-off. I thought I'd feel an enormous sense of relief as the completion of this one took such a determined effort in time-management! I actually feel very vulnerable. It's the same feeling you'd get after working for months on a body of work for an exhibition. You put everything you have into it, and are so self-absorbed for so long, that when it comes to opening night, and revealing it to the public, it feels like you've publicly exposed yourself!! (Not that I've ever done that so don't know first-hand, but you know what I mean!).
This book, 'Marvellous Miro' (title chosen by my kids) is a tale about a young frog called Miro who, born with only one leg has to over-come his disability to lead a normal froggy-life. He can't hop, so becomes a very adept swimmer, earning the respect of his peers. The tale is in rhyming prose, which helps little kids memorize the text that goes with the picture (I've noticed this with my own kids), assisting with word-recognition and early reading. But, aside from all that, first and foremost, this is a fun book with detailed, vibrant illustrations that will stimulate any childs imagination, whilst being both humorous and heart-warming. I'm hoping this book will appeal to all children from 0-6 and also early readers too.
So for those of you looking for something special for someone little in your life, I'll let you know as soon as 'Marvellous Miro' is available on-line.