Monday, 13 January 2014

A space of my own

Here we are almost two weeks into the New Year and already the projects are stock-piling! On a positive note, I have acquired a truly wonderful studio space. 'Claimed' may be a better term for the acquisition, as it was previously used as a dumping ground/storage space, but I staked my claim, and my fabulous husband made it happen over the Christmas holidays. It's bright and spacious and my first adult art class commences next friday. I have two willing guinea-pigs on which I get to try out my teaching we'll see how we fair. Classes aside, I have plenty of projects of my own that will ensure my studio gets well used, and my two girls have already staked their claim on a chair and easel each, so no doubt I'll have plenty of company!

My second childrens picture book 'Marvellous Miro' was launched before Christmas, and I managed to get it into three local bookshops. I'm hoping to organize some readings in the Library and local schools in February. Thanks to all of you who bought the book - your support is very much appreciated. The receipt of my first two royalty cheques have put a little 'fuel' in the creative tank, and I have written the out-line for Miro's second adventure, and hope to have the story completed by the end of this month. The part I'm most looking forward to to is illustrating in my own space, not at the dining table, and having to clear everything away at meal times!

I had my first day 'in-studio' yesterday, and it was both enjoyable and productive. I'm feeling very positive about the year ahead. Happy new Year to you all!

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