Saturday, 22 March 2014

Pretty as a Picture

February was a busy month given that I decided to re-introduce my favourite theme: portraiture. I always loved drawing, and portraiture always provided an additional challenge. I have only ever done a handful of colour portraits (mostly in oil), so I just stayed with monochrome on these 'practice' ones. I was happy with the outcome, and found that all the illustration work has definitely helped 'de-rust' my drawing skills. It must be six years since I did a portrait, and still find it very satisfying. The challenge always is not only to get a likeness, but to really bring the subject to 'life'. I've tried a few alternate views with my own kids - photographing them unknowingly, in an effort to get a more natural pose.

My Friday Group is going very well. We've mostly gone back to basics, and stuck to still-life, concentrating on composition, drawing skills using negative spacing, and  complimentary colour. I'm really enjoying it and it's amazing what you learn from their differing styles. It's also a time I get to set aside purely for art, and nothing else. Time is still a resource I don't have enough of!

I did my first public reading of 'Marvellous Miro' this month (on World Book day). It felt like I was going to a job interview and I was nervous! It was in a school and I read for the first four classes. I brought in the original illustrations for the kids to look at, and we had a Q&A session which was great. The kids had some really good questions and it was evident there was some real interest. I was asked however, if I wrote 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' (if only), if I was famous (watch this space), and where I got my jewellery! Anyway, it was all very positive and the teachers were fabulously encouraging, so it's definitely something I'll continue to do. I have an illustration workshop lined up with the oldest class of the group next week, which I'm very excited about, especially as they've been doing a creative writing project over the last eight weeks.

We're already nearing the end of March and I have five portraits already lined-up. I'm looking forward to the weather improving enough to get outdoors with my Friday Group. (I am fortunate enough to live is a very scenic location, with the most spectacular trees). The next episode of Miro is also finished, so I hope to start illustrating this summer. Life as always, is a juggling act, but man, it's fun!

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